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Join the dots. Making sense of divine information.

Join the dots. Making sense of divine information.

Join the dots – what does that mean? Good question, and exactly what I said to myself when I heard it too. Which lead me to think, how do we make sense of divine information?

A friend asked me to read a pendant of hers, she’s been going through what’s looked like the rinse cycle of life the last few years and her four pillars have been out of alignment. (See my post What the f*^k do I do now? to read more about the four pillars). She has faced some amazing challenges. But, with change comes a lot of uncertainty and she asked me for some help. Specifically to help her find direction or ideas about how to proceed from the point where she finds herself and her work.

The ability of the clairsentient is the ability to feel or know information, generally through touching or holding an object. Amazing pendulum necklaces are available at Pound Jewelery

You see, I’m clairsentience which translates to “clear touch”. A skill known as psychometry, which means that I can read, feel or understand information from objects, jewelry, flowers, anything that will talk to me. It is with this information that I gather a picture or word to answer a question or describe a past, present or future. Sometimes even a past life. It depends on the person, situation, and question.

You might know about the extrasensory skills, which we all have to varying degrees of strength or ability. The most famous, clairvoyance, is the ability to see the future, present, and past. Clairaudience, to hear and perceive sound or extrasensory noise beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space. Clairolfactus, to smell scents from outside their current time and space. Clairgustance, to perceive taste or the essence of a substance. Claircognizance, someone who can psychically tune into another persons’ feelings, attitudes or emotions.

Whilst I was reading my friends’ pendant I asked about her work and what she should do. All I got was “join the dots” which to me was not an immediately obvious answer to my question. Join the dots, that made me think of children’s colouring and puzzle books. Linking points and colouring in, creating images that did not exist a few moments earlier. It was then that I understood the message. But, I’ll tell you more about her first.

She, like me, is multi-passionate. A very talented painter, writer, and tarot / oracle card reader and a doctor, she does all four, separately. She could very easily go down any path and find great success with her intelligence, creativity, and skills. But should she continue to do them separately?  So I asked her – what does “join the dots” mean to you? At first, she didn’t know what to say, we talked about the different jobs, options, and combinations of opportunities that might present themselves. Everything from writing and illustrating a book to spirit painting and readings. What became clear was that the idea of continuing to be a doctor no longer appealed.

After making the clarification between the previous career and the new curiosities, interests or passions. We pulled an oracle card to see what the universe had to say about “join the dots”.

This is what the oracle card said – follow and do all your favourite things. Surround yourself with these favourite things whether literally or metaphorically. From this space of being surrounded by your passions create what you love, rather than just what you think will bring you financial reward or what people want.

In her case, it means to not paint what she thinks people will buy or want, but painting what she loves to paint, she’s inspired by very specific environments and would do better to focus on these rather than just painting anything and everything. But, most importantly, what she decides to do must be done with a light heart, not a heart weighed down by expectations. From these creations, avenues will appear.

Whether the purpose is just to hang her creations on a wall at home to decorate a room or to do what she loves. Most importantly do it light-heartedly, don’t give a fuck if you’re going to sell it or not, but do it because you love it. Join the dots between all your passions, loves, curiosities. When you do, spirit will be right there in the middle and the abundance will come. That is connecting the dots, connecting one passion or pursuit with the other with a light heart.

Finding a common thread to join the dots

A common question I get from clients is “What should I do?” I have so many passions, curiosities, and interests, I don’t know where to start. Sound familiar? The key thing to do here is to find the common thread through your life.

My first suggestion is to do a series of exercises. You need a selection of different coloured post-it notes, a pen, table or space to write quickly and a blank wall. Write each question on a small piece of paper and leave them in a stack upside down on the table

Stick your post-its on the wall to get distance and read them easily and clearly.

The aim, to answer a series of questions and write each answer on a different post-it note. Some questions will take a few post-it notes and others, many.

Set up a time and space where you won’t be interrupted, set a timer for 90-second intervals. Turn over a question and answer it as rapidly as you can, writing each new idea on a separate post-it note, stick each post-it note on the wall. Download the 15 question common thread pop quiz worksheet.

If this process doesn’t appeal to you, I suggest downloading the life recipe workbook which is another version of the same process, but without the speed. 😉

Now you have a wall filled with post-it notes filled with your ideas / completed life recipe workbook – start to group the ideas together that resonate with each other. For example, when my friend and I completed the exercise we grouped together post-its related to drawing and writing with meditation and spiritual work, as we know our best work comes when our minds are still and we’re receptive to new ideas, regardless of how crazy they might be!

I start with grouping thing together that are immediately obvious:

  1. Work -types of business, industries, part time / full time, in an office, remote

  2. Places to live, work or travel

  3. Exercise, health

  4. Relationships (past, present, future)

Once the core groups are assembled, I then play with combinations and create new groups or join groups together. It is generally here that we see / identify themes and patterns within our lives, past and present work, projects and so on.

From these new groups, there will be one or two that will shine more brightly than the others, the one that you can imagine losing yourself in, it will be about your service for others. Use this as your starting point to then start developing the ideas that will come with doing this group of actions. For example, when I did this exercise years ago the key themes that came up for me

For example, when I did this exercise years ago the key themes that came up for me were teaching, learning, educating, coaching, talking, listening, advising, helping, solving, travel, adventure, sunshine, beach, sea, online, remote, location independent. Grouping these ideas together I used my background in education and training to start a coaching business related to solving the problem of finding purpose in life, combining travel and location independence and giving people the tools, confidence, and the ability to travel, and work, either alone or with people.

So, tell me – what dots do you need to start joining?

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